
What is it?

 Gardening is a beloved hobby for many people, and it's no wonder why. Not only does it provide a sense of relaxation and peace, but it also allows individuals to create and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces. One aspect of gardening that often goes overlooked is the use of gravel. While it may not seem like the most glamorous or exciting part of gardening, laying gravel can actually make a significant impact on the overall aesthetic and functionality of a garden. In this article, we will discuss the importance of laying gravel in gardens and how much to use for different DIY gardening projects.

First and foremost, let's understand what gravel is and why it is used in gardens. Gravel is a mixture of small rocks and stones, usually ranging from ⅛ inch to 1 inch in diameter. Its primary purpose is to cover the soil and provide a stable and durable layer for walking or driving on. Gravel also helps with drainage, preventing water from pooling and causing damage to plants. Another benefit of using gravel is that it can help suppress weed growth, reducing the need for constant weeding. With these benefits in mind, it's clear that gravel plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and visually appealing garden.

Now, let's dive into the specifics of laying gravel and how much to use for different gardening projects. The amount of gravel needed will depend on the size of the area you are covering and the depth you want to achieve. For smaller projects, such as creating a garden path or border, a 2-inch depth of gravel is sufficient. For larger areas, like a driveway or patio, a 4-inch depth is recommended. It's important to note that these depths are for decorative purposes and not for heavy traffic. If you plan on using gravel for a driveway or parking area, a depth of at least 6 inches is recommended.

To calculate the amount of gravel needed, you will need to measure the area's length and width and multiply them to determine the square footage. Then, multiply the square footage by the desired depth of gravel to get the cubic feet needed. For example, if you have a 10-foot by 10-foot garden path and want a 2-inch depth, you will need 16.6 cubic feet of gravel (10 ft x 10 ft = 100 sq ft, 100 sq ft x 0.167 ft = 16.6 cu ft).

Or put simply if you work in metres 1 bulk bag covers 18m2 at a 2 inch depth.

When it comes to choosing the type of gravel, there are a few options to consider. The most popular types are crushed stone, pea gravel, and river rock. Crushed stone has sharp edges and is best suited for areas where erosion control is needed. Pea gravel has a smooth and rounded appearance, making it ideal for decorative purposes or areas where you want a softer appearance. River rock is similar to pea gravel but larger in size, making it suitable for larger projects or areas where you want a more prominent statement.

In addition to the amount and type of gravel, another factor to consider is the base layer. Before laying the gravel, it's essential to prepare the area by removing any vegetation and creating a compacted base layer. This layer can consist of crushed stone, sand, or a geotextile fabric. The base layer provides stability and prevents the gravel from sinking into the ground over time.

In conclusion, gravel may not be the most exciting aspect of gardening, but it plays a crucial role in creating a functional and visually appealing outdoor space. By understanding the different types, depths, and amounts of gravel needed for various projects, DIY gardeners can confidently and efficiently incorporate gravel into their gardening plans. So the next time you're planning a garden or outdoor project, don't overlook the importance of gravel. It may just be the perfect finishing touch to your green paradise.



Turning your waste into Gold:

Lets talk compost

Wine Corks Natural wine corks can improve compost structure and aeration. For faster decomposition, it's best to grind them before adding them to the compost. Avoid synthetic corks that mimic natural ones but are not compostable.

 Coffee Grounds and Filters Compost coffee grounds and filters to benefit plant health. They supply nitrogen and attract microbes that aid in decomposition.

 Hair and Pet Fur

 Hair and pet fur decompose slowly, providing nitrogen and enhancing compost aeration.

 Used Napkins and Paper Towels Compost clean napkins and paper towels free of grease or chemicals. They offer carbon for balance and break down easily in compost. 

Old Herbs and Spices Save old herbs and spices for composting to enrich nutrients and attract decomposers.

 Natural Fabrics Cotton and wool fabrics decompose, adding nitrogen and enhancing compost structure. Ensure they are 100% natural without synthetic materials. 

Yeast Excess yeast speeds up compost decomposition by introducing beneficial microbes. 

Aquarium Plants Nitrogen-rich aquarium plants can balance compost piles if they are completely natural.

 NO Go waste:

Items NOT to Compost Avoid composting tea bags with plastic as they introduce micro-plastics to the compost. Compostable plates and utensils may not fully break down in backyard composting. Do not compost cat or dog waste due to potential harmful pathogens. Meat, fish, and bones decompose slowly and may attract animals. Chemically treated plant trimmings can harm beneficial microbes and plants in compost. Treated wood contains harmful chemicals that can contaminate compost and harm plants. Coal or charcoal ash can raise compost pH too high for some plants. Oils and grease impede decomposition and create a mess in compost. Bread can attract pests due to its high starch content. Toxic plants may not decompose entirely and could harm plants or animals.

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